Life’s circumstances catapult us from our cherished Plan A toward a B-etter Plan which emerges from resilience and redirecting.

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Nutritional Coaching for Deep Health

Helping you invest in your future health.

As a certified nutrition coach, I’d love to help you with your goals.

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Ever noticed life’s curve balls often catapult us off our cherished Plan A and toward a B-etter plan? Thus the ‘B’ Plan.

Often I have found the B Plan emerges from circumstances, resilience and redirecting. In the last decade, circumstance has revamped my marriage status, my health, my career, my time, my role as a parent and to my parents. When I let go of my dear Plan A, I have become wider and deeper.

Deep Health

I have always been fitness-minded. I have always worked hard at maintaining my BMI and have felt proud of the success of my efforts. UNTIL perimenopause hit, and it seemed all my previous sweating converted to a thick waist. I am currently enrolled in a Nutrition course with the hopes of breaking the code and finding a figure again. I am determined not to awake the Type 2 Diabetes genes rampant in my family. I am determined to be a centurion and feel confident that scientific attention to nutrition and exercise will get me there. See the shift? Now I care about health, when I was younger health meant looking great in my skinny clothes.

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Aging Parents

Just when my kids don’t seem to need me anymore (freedom!), I am surprised to realize just how much my parents do. Similar to parenting my 20-somethings, I have to balance my parents’ autonomy with being available to help. I can harp at my diabetic dad not to have the pumpkin pie but ultimately, he is a grown up and can decide for himself. Seeing the health of my parents decline is so difficult and somehow injurious to my self-concept that they will always be my protectors.

I hope sharing my take on exciting new challenges that are only afforded to those of us who have already checked off Plan A, will entice you to confidently explore your own Better Plan B!

Career Polishing

While still being effective and engaged, I started to feel like I had accomplished all my goals in my Education Career and slowly realized it was time to move on. In June 2019, I resigned from teaching at age 50 (some would say I retired from teaching but I was 5 years before full-pension eligibility). To me it was a career change, without the knowledge of what career was next! Brave, yes! Regret, NO!

Adult Parenting

Young new parents have it easy. They have the internet, mommy and daddy blogs, research and books to inform their practises. Us old parents have nothing. Once children hit early-adulthood, it appears to me there is an assumption that the fly from the nest was an uneventful, natural take-off. There is a skill to parenting ADULT children in a way that honours your role but also honours their autonomy. It’s a skill that I have not yet mastered but hopefully I can share some strategies I have deployed.

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Tell me your thoughts, leave a suggestion or a matter you want me to write about… or maybe you just want to say hi!

Self Care

While I still feel busy, the type of time I have available has changed. I have more time for “me”. I am plagued by irrational guilt when I don’t hurry or when I decide I will get a massage or acupuncture. I still feel like I should not waste time on “me” and reserve it for time with family...except the family is elsewhere. Slowly I am realizing that this time spent on and with myself has led to new, exciting territories like this blog, “Plan B is Better”.

Aging Paranoia

I am getting wrinkles that a little cream won’t fix. I know I am supposed to be grateful for how each wrinkle represents some more wisdom but let’s be real; feeling pretty is so much easier than feeling ugly. It’s more than what the mirror tells me. It’s the longer recovery after lifting weights, it’s the annoying need for reading glasses, it’s the compressed time between hair colourings. Let’s explore this together and look to the “lifers” we know for guidance. What did they do? What attitudes did they adopt to become near-centurions?


Resilient Relationships

As I see it, second marriages can either be a repeat of the last disaster or an emergence of two people, who when together, find their individuality. And maybe, this series of blogs highlights marriage in the more mature years than that of a second one. Isn’t it freeing when you don’t give a damn that your spouse noticed you got your haircut!